Get an Internationally Recognized English Certificate

  Get a personalised English Proficiency certificate – Downloadable as a PDF – To include on your LinkedIn profile or Resume

  Supporting Grammar Lessons to address shortcomings

  Results aligned with CEFR levels

  Complete Needs Analysis

Why take this Test?

  Get an Official EWAP Certificate

Upon completing the test, you'll receive an official EWAP certificate, displaying your English proficiency across key skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

  Determine Your English Level

Our adaptive test and adept assessments accurately evaluates your level from A1 to C2 on the CEFR scale.

  Preparing for Exams Level

Studying for the TOEFL, IELTS, or another English exam? Our CEFR-aligned results provide a reliable estimate of your score on various English proficiency tests.

  It's Reliable

Created by experts. This online English proficiency test has been developed over a decade with leading scientists in the field of English assessment

  It's Accessible Anywhere Anytime, on Any Device

Available on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device. All you need is an internet connection and a quiet place where you can concentrate.

Why Choose EWAP’s Placement Test?

Key Extras EWAP Offers:

  Personalized Needs Analysis: EWAP identifies specific weaknesses and tailors lessons to help students improve.

  Supporting Grammar Lessons: No other competitor includes grammar improvement lessons based on the test results.

  Comprehensive Feedback: Unlike some competitors, EWAP provides personalised feedback, especially in writing and speaking, which is essential for exam prep like IELTS or TOEFL.

  Grammar Section: EWAP includes a 100-question adaptive grammar test, offering a deeper evaluation of this core skill, which is often overlooked by other providers.

Test your English Today! Without Delay!

Tests taken image

Check your English Grammar proficiency
Price $10
Grammar Assessment (100 adaptive questions)
Results fully aligned with CEFR level

Buy Now

Certify your English proficiency
(Grammar plus 1)

Price $30
Grammar; plus choose one other Module (Listening; Reading;)
Results fully aligned with CEFR level

Buy Now

Buy Now
Certify your English proficiency (Comprehensive)
Price $99
Grammar Assessment (100 adaptive questions)
Listening - contains 12 multiple choice questions based on an audio recording
Reading contains between 9 and 12 multiple choice questions based on a written text
Writing contains 1 question to which the candidate must provide a written response
Speaking contains 1 question to which the candidate must record a spoken response
Complete Needs Analysis
Supporting Grammar Lessons to address shortcomings
Results fully aligned with CEFR level
Get an EWAP Certificate to add to you resume

Buy Now

Certify your English proficiency
(Grammar plus 3)

Price $75
Grammar; plus choose three other Modules (Listening; Reading; Writing; Speaking)
Results fully aligned with CEFR level

Buy Now

Certify your English proficiency
(Grammar plus 2)

Price $50
Grammar; plus choose two other Modules (Listening; Reading; Writing; Speaking)
Results fully aligned with CEFR level

Buy Now

Compare with our nearest competitors

Here’s a comparison between EWAP’s Comprehensive English Proficiency Package and similar offerings from our three top competitors. The table highlights the unique benefits and extras offered by EWAP.

Features EWAP Comprehensive Proficiency ($99 EF SET (Free/Pro for $79) British Council (IELTS Progress Check, $49) Duolingo English Test ($59)
CEFR Alignment Fully CEFR aligned Fully CEFR aligned Fully CEFR aligned Fully CEFR aligned
Grammar Assessment 100 adaptive grammar questions Not Included Not Included Not Included
Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking All 4 skills tested All 4 skills tested All 4 skills tested All 4 skills tested
Personalized Needs Analysis Complete Needs Analysis Not included Not included Not included
Supporting Grammar Lessons Tailored grammar lessons based on results Not included Not included Not included
Adaptive Test Design Adaptive grammar assessment Adaptive grammar assessment Not included Adaptive grammar assessment
Certificate Included Official EWAP Certificate EF SET Certificate (Pro only) IELTS Progress Report Certificate Duolingo Certificate
Test Duration Approx. 1 hour 45 minutes 50 minutes Varies (Depending on the
number of modules)
1 hour
Writing and Speaking Feedback Detailed, personalized feedback Automated scoring only Feedback from certified IELTS markers Automated scoring only
Price $99 Free (Pro for $79) $49 $59
Resume-Ready Certificate Highlight your proficiency in all 4 skills Pro version only IELTS Progress Report Duolingo English Test Certificate
Preparation for IELTS/TOEFL/Other Tests Designed not only for general
proficiency but also for students
targeting other exams like TOEFL & IELTS
General proficiency focus Specifically for IELTS preparation General proficiency focus

Compare EWAP Packages

Features Certify your English
proficiency (Comprehensive)
Price $99
Check your English proficiency (Grammar) Price $10 Certify your English proficiency (Grammar plus 1) Price $30 Certify your English proficiency (Grammar plus 2) Price $50 Certify your English proficiency (Grammar plus 3) Price $75
Grammar Assessment
(100 adaptive questions)
Listening - contains 12 multiple choice questions based on an audio recording
Choose any one

Choose any two

Choose any three
Reading contains between 9 and 12 multiple choice questions based on a written text
Choose any one

Choose any two

Choose any three
Writing contains 1 question to which the candidate must provide a written response
Choose any one

Choose any two

Choose any three
Speaking contains 1 question to which the candidate must record a spoken response
Choose any one

Choose any two

Choose any three
Complete Needs Analysis
Supporting Grammar Lessons to address shortcomings
Results fully aligned with CEFR level
Get an EWAP Certificate to add to you resume
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
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